Driomov (Michael Driomov) is the hereditary artist. Driomov’s clan has located
in West Siberia at the end of 19 centuries. The grandfather and two his brothers
were engaged in wall-painting works and a painting of wooden toys. His father,
national artist Ilya Driomov is the striking representative of a socialist
realism, is known as the illustrator P. P. Bazhov’s tales.
M. Driomov, restorer by education, in 70th years has presented itself as the interesting artist-realist ("Portrait of the sister", "Portrait of the neigbour", landscapes of the 1973 - 74 years, water colors). In the beginning of 80th years M. Driomov moves to Leningrad, chum with the group "Artists of Nevsky" and is keen on surrealism ("Lies", "A case with lemon", "Cain’s kids", "Lesha Ivanov", "Autemn"). Together with the group "Artists of Nevsky" he is exposed in Russia and abroad (USA, the Netherlands), and in personal exhibitions (the Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Denmark). From the end of 90th years Driomov takes a great interest in creativity of Pollak that has rendered appreciable influence on his abstract works of last period. M. Driomov is a musician by his second education, and it has affected his abstract compositions ("The blind bride", "Rooster", "Road", "Opus No 12"). In 80th years Mischa Driomov has exposed three conceptual works ("Installation No 1", "Northern installation" and "Horse sickly"), which made appreciable success.
Now Mischa Driomov lives and works in St.-Petersburg, in the creativity he has come back to musical abstraction ("Composition", "Expectation of spring", "Crystallization of space", "Oriental bazar") which have constant success.
Painting works of Mischa Driomov are got by private galleries of the USA, Germany and Russia, and also by collectors of Russia, the Netherlands and Germany.
Web-Gallery has at his disposal 20 painting works of Misha Driomov, 11 from which calls to your attention.