of artists G.A.V. Traugot are widely known and popular not only in Russia, but
also abroad. By their thin graceful figures it is illustrated about four hundred
books in the total circulation more than 80 million copies that is equal to the
population of the big European country.
Clan Traugot has moved from Denmark to Russia in the end of 17 centuries and already more than two hundred years actively participates in its cultural life. G, A, V are initial letters of three names - Georgy, Alexandr and Valery.
Brothers Alexander and Valery Traugot are masters of the book illustrations, painters. They consider as the main teacher the father – Georgy, the known Leningrad artist. Alexander Traugot lives in Paris, Valery in St. Petersburg, Georgy Traugot has died in 1982, but brothers Traugot have decided to keep the letter G in the name and all their works sign by triple initial, keeping his name: G. A. V. Under this signature there are illustrated favourite by children of all world of a fairy tale of remarkable Danish storyteller Hans Kristian Andersen, works of Maurice Maeterlinck, "Iliad" and "Odyssey" by Homeros, "The Art of Love" by Ovid, "Metamorphoses" by Apuleius, fairy tales by Grimm brothers and Gauf, Sharl Perro’s fairy tales, Russian national fairy tales, the Cuban, Cambodian, Chinese and Japanese fairy tales, works by Pushkin, Aksakov , Tolstoy, Nabokov, Gumiliov, Bulgakov, works of German, English, French, Chinese, Hungarian, American, Polish and other remarkable writers of the world.
At All-Russia competitions A. and V. Traugot have won more than 30 diplomas, 14 from them are the first degree. Artists regularly participate in exhibitions of books and illustrations: in Russia - annually, and also in Germany, Italy, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Japan, and France.
Creative works of brothers A. and V. Traugot embellish collections of museums of Moscow (including in Tretiakov gallery), St. Petersburg, Tver, Arkhangelsk, Petrozavodsk, Vologda, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Ryazan, Kaliningrad, and also foreign museums: in Odense (Andersen's museum), in Japan, Germany, Czechia, etc., many private collections in the Europe, the USA, Israel.
Valery Traugot is the professor, the teacher of the Mukhina high art school in St. Petersburg, Chairman of graphics section of the Union of artists of St. Petersburg, the main artist of publishing house "Tsarskoe Selo", the honorary member of the Berlin society of friends to St. Petersburg. With assistance and participation of Valery Traugot to the three hundred anniversary of St. Petersburg there is completed the great work on illustration and publication of "The Copper horseman" by A. S. Pushkin (172 illustrations by a format 45 x 30 cm) and series "Not forgotten residents of St. Petersburg" (Six books by few published remarkable Petersburg poets among whom there are Tatiana Gnedich, Alexander Vvedensky, Oleg Grigoriev and Victor Shirali).